Return Policy Return Policy
Products shipped from can be returned within 15 days of receipt of shipment in most cases through the online return center. Some products may have different policies or requirements associated with them.
Return requests will only be processed in the following cases:
The product is determined not to have been damaged while in your possession.
The product is not different from what was shipped to you.
The product is returned in the same condition it was in upon receipt (sealed/unopened if possible, with the original brand/manufacturer’s box or packaging, and if applicable, any user manuals, warranty cards, and all accessories).
Return Process:
After the courier arrives to pick up the product, it may take up to two weeks for us to receive and process your return.
We will issue the refund, then it may take 5 to 7 business days for it to appear on your payment card statement.
Makeup products are non-returnable. However, in the unlikely event that you receive a damaged, defective, or incorrect product, we will offer you a full refund or replacement, if available. We may contact you to verify the damage/defect in the product before issuing the refund/replacement, as appropriate. We reserve the right to request further information, or to collect or inspect the product to verify the damage/defect in the product before issuing the refund/replacement.
Some products may only be eligible for replacement. If the same product is not available in stock, we will issue a refund.
In the event that customers are found to be abusing the return policy through excessive returns or returning products that are not in their original condition or by canceling or not accepting placed orders, mskra reserves the right to warn, restrict, suspend, or ban and/or terminate such customer accounts, as necessary.
We will not accept the return of any product that is incorrectly sent to us or items that are different from what was delivered to you. This includes items that were not originally purchased from mskra. In the event that we receive such products, we will not be able to return them, refund them, or provide any other concessions in relation to these items and your actions may result in restrictions being placed on your mskra account including limiting your ability to return items in the future, canceling orders and/or closing your mskra account. Any such product you send or return to mskra cannot be shipped or returned to you in any other way. We can only process returns in relation to the correct items that are returned in accordance with our policies.
In accordance with our return policy, we need to verify your identity to process your return. This is a one-time process and takes 2-3 minutes to complete. All personal information you provide will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Notice.